Friday, November 7, 2008

Getting Settled In

Well I have now been at my new job for 2 weeks and I am getting settled in. I have brought in some small pictures for my bookshelf and finaly got my desk arranged a way that I think will work for me. I went to Office Max earlier this week and work bought me a new desk chair (the one I had was pretty old). It is very comfortable and it is a Serta Massage Chair. The best part was it was on sale for $99.00!

I still do not have anything on my walls yet -- I am still trying to decide what all to put -- Any suggetsions welcome! I have 2 small charis (old chairs) for people to sit on when they come in my office -- and I would like to get some different ones - so keep your eyes out -- They will need to be cheap - because I will have to pay for those.

As for work itself -- I am starting some projects and learning how their systems are structured. I can tell that I am really going to enjoy working in this department. God Is Definately SO GOOD!

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