Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A New Start
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Aftermath of a Raining Tailgating Day
Tailgating is always fun even if it does rain throughout most of the day. I always think that the worst part about going anywhere is the unpacking. Unpacking the car with all of the tailgating supplies and food is something we do every week. However, this week was a little different. We were afraid that since all of the tents and chairs were full of water when we put them in the bags to come home that they would get mildew.
So what are you to do when it continues to rain the next day? Well I will let the pictures speak for themselves – Welcome to our garage!
We hope that everything dries out before Saturday and that we will not be left with any mildew smells!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sips N Strokes – A little late
Last Tuesday night some people from our Bible Study went to Sips N Strokes for a Girl’s Night Out. It was so much fun and my first time to do this. I have never proclaimed to me an artist or even creative – so this was a stretch for me – but was great that the teacher was there to walk you through each step. At one point in the night – the instructor walked by our row and said how great everyone’s looked and then kept walking right past mine. Oh Well, I was not planning on quitting my day job.
Here is how my cross turned out. I am not sure what I am going to do with it yet – any suggestions? Our group after we had all finished our painting! We will have to do it again so – we had a great time!
Way to Earn More Swagbucks For Everyone
BRAND NEW Swag Bucks toolbar: the new toolbar was released this morning and is compatible with IE, Firefox and Safari.
Members will be able to log into to their account through the new toolbar and in addition be able to track their points through the toolbar.
Additionally, in September, EVERY SINGLE DAY, they will release a special "Swag Code" through the toolbar. The only way to get the code is by having the toolbar installed.
By the end of the month, those that have installed the toolbar should be able to rack up 30 FREE SWAG BUCKS!
So – What do you need to do?
If you are already a member of Swagbucks – download the New Toolbar and get the free code each day of September.
If you are new to SwagBucks – Now is the time to join. Go here and sign-up and here to see the benefits. You can enter the Code: ashleyswag to receive 3 bucks for signing up and 2 for entering my code. Then download the toolbar and you can earn at least 35 swag bucks this month. that is almost enough for a $5.00 Gift Card to Amazon.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A Beach Retreat
This past weekend we have the pleasure of going to the beach with The Mims and The McKinnons. It was such a great time to get away and relax and enjoy the beach. We took Friday off and headed down Thursday night. Friday morning the guys headed out deep sea-fishing while we parked ourselves on the beach. We all we able to read a lot (and it was kinda nice to have a day where the guys did not ask us to get in the water every 5 minutes)!
They caught lots of fish and came home that night to cook the Fresh Catch of the Day. Snapper was on the menu for dinner and it was delicious. Thank you Clayton for cooking the fish!
While being at the beach we celebrated Ted’s Birthday. He turned the BIG 25 on Sunday and is now a 1/4 of a century old. Please excuse the cake (long story ordering a cake from the Walmart at the beach)! We cut the cake after the long day of fishing and the guys were exhausted. Happy Birthday Ted! Saturday morning it was raining when we woke up – but no worries as soon as the rain stopped we were all out on the beach. Look at the beautiful rainbow that was in the sky, I am not sure how you can look at this and say there is no God.
We stayed on the beach until late Saturday and then came in to get ready for dinner. We headed to Salt Water Grill and then played some Miniature Golf after dinner.
Thanks Mims and McKinnons for a great trip with great friends. We will have to do it again soon!
** Shealy and Laura Ann have other pictures – but this was all that was on my camera.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
An Enjoyable Lunch
Do you ever feel that sometime life just gets to busy to stop and do anything? Well, I think I have been in that mode for a while but it is so nice to stop and enjoy time with a great friend.
I was able to eat lunch today with one of my best friends and college roommates, Ashley Jane. She is still in Auburn because she is about to finish up her last year of Vet School. It is such a shame that we do not get together more often, but even though we are in the same city we are both extremely busy. Eating lunch with her today was so refreshing and we always pick up right where we left off. We talk often – but it is always better to talk in person. Thanks so much Ashley for a great lunch and we need to do it again soon!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Yes, Ted is in classes all day, but we are planning on going to a nice dinner tomorrow night (a day late) to celebrate.
I could not have asked God for a better guy to marry. He has such a good heart and I could not have even dreamed of being able to marry such an incredible man. God is good and faithful and has blessed me with a Godly man who is devoted to his family and has a desire to serve and to reach out to others.
Ted balances me out and keeps me in check with reality and what is really important in life. It has been the best 2 years of my life and I look forward to many, many more.
Since we are traveling I do not have our wedding pictures with me – but I did find a few pictures on a jump drive in my purse. (From our rehearsal dinner)
Happy Anniversary and I love you!