Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sips N Strokes – A little late

DSCN2031Last Tuesday night some people from our Bible Study went to Sips N Strokes for a Girl’s Night Out.  It was so much fun and my first time to do this.  I have never proclaimed to me an artist or even creative – so this was a stretch for me – but was great that the teacher was there to walk you through each step.  At one point in the night – the instructor walked by our row and said how great everyone’s looked and then kept walking right past mine.  Oh Well, I was not planning on quitting my day job.

Here is how my cross turned out.  I am not sure what I am going to do with it yet – any suggestions?DSCN2039 Our group after we had all finished our painting!  We will have to do it again so – we had a great time!


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